The Temporal Belongings Interview Series The aim of this series is to develop a broader understanding of how time arises as an issue for practitioners and researchers working with communities or on the topic of community more generally.
Time and Community Development One: Ruth Ben-Tovim (Encounters Arts) Interviewed by Michelle Bastian (February 2014) Two: Mandy Wilson (Independent Consultant and Researcher) Interviewed by Michelle Bastian (March 2014) Three: Alison Gilchrist (Independent Consultant) Interviewed by Michelle Bastian (April 2014) Four: Sally Rawlings (former Head, Big Local) Interviewed by Michelle Bastian (June 2014) Time and Community Economies Five: Andy Goldring (CEO, Permaculture Association) Interviewed by Michelle Bastian (September 2014) Six: Anna Coote (Head of Social Policy, new economics foundation) Interviewed by Michelle Bastian (November 2014) Seven: Katherine Gibson (Institute for Culture and Society, University of Western Sydney and Community Economies Collective) Interviewed by Michelle Bastian (May 2015). Eight: Tamara DiMattina (founder, Buy Nothing New Month) Interviewed by Michelle Bastian (August 2015). Nine: Samuel Alexander (founder, Simplicity Institute) Interviewed by Michelle Bastian (March 2017). |
The Temporal Belongings Interview Series is published under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Further details on this license are available here. In simple terms, copyright of articles remains with the author, but anyone else is free to use or distribute the work for educational or non-commercial purposes as long as the author is acknowledged and the work is not altered or transformed.