Programme Overview
NB: Conference dates for Europe, Africa, Americas are 15th-17th. For Australasia the dates are 16th-18th. Download pdf version to the right, for a larger view if needed. Attendees will have a custom timetable available on qiqochat for planning their event in their own timezone.
With a focus on live, synchronous presentations and conversation, our programme has been designed in 3.5 hour blocks which will enable multiple regions to share synchronous sessions with each other. These are staggered across the day to try to catch different groups as the earth moves through night and day. In addition to the coffee breaks in the middle of the panels, the blocks have larger breaks between them to provide time for catching up on recordings of previous sessions, dealing with other responsibilities, taking a walk, having a rest, or socialising with attendees in the open online spaces available. If you are interested you can read more about the development of this structure here.
Sessions at a Glance
Short Programme
Please see the long programme below for the difinitive version of the programme. Use the link to the right to download the file (rather than create a Scribd account)
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