From the Slow Research Lab Newsletter: From 09 to 12 November, Slow Research Lab will be at Arizona State University (US) for the annual meeting of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts (SLSA). This year’s conference theme is ‘Out of Time,’ exploring nonhuman temporalities, biopolitical time, long nows, and much more. Our contribution is a curated triptych of Slow encounters, including a gallery installation, a sunrise experience of the on-campus James Turrell skyspace, and a Slow Walk in the surrounding desert landscape. Presented under the title SLOW TUNING, participants are invited to fine-tune their awareness and Slow-tune their personal rhythms, seeking deeper resonance within themselves, with the natural and built environments, and with one another. In her essay,"The Times We’re in: Queer Feminist Criticism and the Reparative ‘Turn,'" Robyn Wiegman discusses recent feminist theorizations of affect and time: "with so much in flux and with governments, like people, finding themselves awash in everyday attrition, scholarship that seeks to analyse the condition of the present – both its political comportment and its historical theorisation – has proliferated under a different set of terms: debt, crisis, precarity, bare life, biopolitics, neoliberalism, and empire." Wiegman states that much of this "scholarship attends to the condition of the present through the converging analytics of affect and time" (5). I am seeking papers for a proposed panel for the 1st International Temporal Belongings Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland that engage this analytic in recent feminist theory by examining gender, affect, and time in contemporary U.S. culture. Possible approaches include: *Discussions of feminist temporal logics and affects in feminist criticism and history *Utopian time of capital and affective communities *Feminist approaches to the temporal geographies of U.S capital (the Rust Belt, approaches to ideas of obsolescence, the Wall, border politics) *Gender and the care economy *Race, gender and feminist temporalities of belonging and resistance *Temporal affects of resistance in the Trump era *Feminist imaginaries of time (e.g. science fiction, historical fiction) *The temporal logics of social media and feminism (e.g. feminist labor/community building) *U.S. feminism, war, imperialism The CFP for the conference can be seen here: Deadline for 200-word abstracts and 100-word bios is September 30, 2017 to [email protected]. |
New article published reflecting on our online conference, and how we designed for conviviality.
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