In the context of the global pandemic, we invite contributions of time-related writings and projects emerging out of your current experience now. Locked in a heightened sense of the present moment, how has our attention to and expectation of time changed? With increased uncertainty towards the future, how are temporal perspectives shifting and what new concepts are taking shape?
The Anthropocene – the critical era marking human impacts on the environment – designates a duration with fuzzy boundaries. As a geologic era, it remains unofficial and without an origin or ‘Golden Spike’; as a historical period, its span, causes, and definitive questions remain open to conjecture. As a juncture characterized by the entanglement of disparate timescales (biological, ecological, geologic, cosmic), the Anthropocene is less a distinct “time” than a plurality of temporalities. With urgency, we invite scholars and artists to reflect on Anthropocenic temporalities in a variety of modalities, welcoming projects and writing in any creative style or critical genre. We seek to assemble a rich range of contributions from emerging and established writers, who share concern and commitment to the Anthropocenic situation. Contributions are invited for a special issue of Kronoscope: Journal for the Study of Time (Brill) entitled “Anthropocenic Temporalities.” As an interdisciplinary journal directed by The International Society for the Study of Time, Kronoscope welcomes work from all fields. Proposals (abstracts of 250-500 words) or completed work may be sent to the co-editors: Paul Harris ([email protected]) and Emily DiCarlo ([email protected]). Submissions due: June 1, 2020 (11:59 p.m. PST) Paul Harris, Professor of English at Loyola Marymount University and co-editor of SubStance, was President of the International Society for the Study of Time 2004-2013. An interdisciplinary scholar and artist, his current work revolves around stone in contexts including installations, garden design, viewing stone display, geopoetry, and ecosophy. Emily DiCarlo is an artist and writer whose interdisciplinary work applies methodologies that often produce collaborative, site-specific projects. Evidenced through video, performance and installation, her research connects the infrastructure of time with the intimacy of duration. She is currently pursuing her Master of Visual Studies at the University of Toronto and is the 2019-2020 recipient of the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Scholarship. Comments are closed.
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January 2023